The shelter experiment last night worked out OK. No real issues other than a slight lack of sleep due to some nerves about the experience and then the need to be really quiet in the morning as we got up and out before the others in the shelter. we managed to get out without waking the others there and had one of our quickest starts yet. We got some great views heading down into NOC of the valley below filled with clouds except for a few peaks sticking above the clouds. A really cool way to start the morning.
We got down to NOC, did our shopping at the outfitters and Princess tried on some new shoes for her next pair. From there we ended up meeting some other hikers we haven't seen in a while. Got our laundry done and had some pulled pork sandwiches before rejoining the hiker group in front of the outfitters for a few beers - my first since we got started and wow did they taste good. Also got delivered a round of free Yeunglings by a vendor who happened to pull in while we were sitting there. Finally broke away from the group to get out of the sun and got checked into our nice cabin with sattelite TV. Not bad for nearly the same price as we could have stayed in a bunkhouse for.
Planning for a 8 mile day tomorrow up about 3300 feet and a nice dinner on top of Cheoah Bald and hopefully a great sunrise there on Thursday morning.
No internet here so it will probably be 2 weeks before we get a chance to actually use the internet so just email at to get in touch. we will try to get some pictures out soon but might not be for another 2 weeks also.
and to all a good night!
- Snowfox
Sent on the go from my Peek
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