VA 7 to Harpers Ferry Hostel (MD)
Did a lot of goodbyes today, some are good and others not so good.
The "not so good"
- Sabrina headed back to Richmond tonight before her Sunday flight back to the west coast for a while after driving a hour north to me during afternoon rush hour traffic to deliver a late-arriving new pair of shoes.
- My chase car. (see above). I am currently accepting applications for a new chase car and driver. Requirements are: 21 or older (so they can buy my beer for the end of the day), car big enough for up to 3 hikers and their gear, an immunity to massive quantities of BO and nothing important they need to do for the next 3 months.
The "good":
- Virginia, after a month of almost non stop hiking through this state, it was good to say good bye and chalk up one more state completed (up to 4 now).
- West Virginia, a nice short piece of state that I got all the way through today, incuding a stop at the ATC HQ for my picture and information to be logged for their stats. That makes 5 states completed so far.
- Three digit mileages, I passed the 1000 mile mark this morning and no looking back.
- My shoes and socks. The replacement shoes finally arrived to let me retire the defective pair I wore for 550 miles and I got two new pairs of socks to replace those that I had been wearing since Springer Mtn.
And of course, the day wouldn't be complete without a car mishap...a deer ran into the front passenger side door rendering a nice dent, a non functional exterior handle and an inability to open the window. Go figure.
More progress north tomorrow, moving farther into MD after spending the evening at this hostel with a 60 person church group.
(this song is so far out of my memory I have no lyrics to add here...for all you late 20 and 30- somethings, just think back to a high school dance for a bonus image for today's song)
- Snowfox
Sent on the go from my Peek
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