US4 (Rutland, VT) to Wintturi Shelter
After my fun day yesterday at the Long Trail Festival I woke up to a soaking wet tent. That is the drawback to tenting in an open field when the dew falls. Not only does the outside of the tent get wet but the inside of the tent also gets soaked from condensation of breathing inside the tent. So I ended up with a late start after trying to get the tent dried out somewhat before packing it up. I made my escape finally and got some McDonalds breakfast then started the tough job of getting a hitch back to the trail. I ended up walking about 2 miles towards a bigger intersection before someone finally picked me up for the next 8 miles. The couple was very nice and the wife said to the husband as they were close to dropping me off "Oh great, this puts us right on the road to the yarn store." Having been the husband in that situation before, I got going and let them alone to determine the rest of their route planning, although I supect there was some yarn in his future.
Had some good trails today with neat light patterns through the trees and good temperatures for walking. The big highlight for the day was getting to "Maine Junction" where the AT and the Long Trail split and they head to Canada and we head to Maine. So this will be a marked decrease in the number of hikers I run into on a daly basis. Good luck to all the LT hikers on the rest of their trip.
Also had a good view from "The Lookout", a cabin with a rooftop observation deck where I am pretty sure I could see part of the White Mountains in NH...the part of the trip I have been looking forward to for a long time. There are a bunch of people here at the shelter tonight, mostly northbounders, some section hikers and a southbounder for good measure. A good social evening and the light really starts to go away early now so time for bed.
And don't you come back no more.
- Snowfox
Sent on the go from my Peek
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