Sunday, May 30, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane (or a matrix)

Well as you may have figured out I am no longer on the AT.  I spent about 1.5 weeks coming to this decision and it was not an easy one to make.  I was having some major foot pain that wasn't getting any better and because I have chosen a career that requires me to be on my feet all day I was concerned about long term damage.  Also, I really really didn't like the hiking part.  I was hoping that it would get better and I would learn to like it, but after 400 miles I think I hated it even more, especially the stupid uphills.  I loved everything else about this trip, the people, the camping, being with Matt....I really didn't even mind being dirty and smelly.  So, I'll be bouncing around a bit and meeting up with Matt to provide trail magic.  I'll also be spending some time in Spokane before heading back to find an apartment.  It makes it a little easier for Matt he now gets to come back to an apartment with everything moved in :-) 

Lindsay was awesome and drove 6 hours each way to come and get me, so I would like to nominate her for sister of the year.  

On the plus side I have lost several inches and my clothes don't fit anymore....all while eating anything I wanted and in just over a month.  It's the new fad diet :-)

Princess out....back to real life and Sabrina.

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I have been following your blog for a while now. I'm so sorry to hear you're off the trail (but your reasons are good ones - I always question why I enjoy hiking when we're walking long, tough uphills). We have always wondered if it would be possible for a married couple to leave good jobs, a house, pets, etc to hike the AT. You definitely showed it's a possibility. We'll continue to follow Matt along the way. :-)
