Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 89 (7/18) - Magic Carpet Ride

Day 89 - 18.9 mi/1348.6 mi tot
High Point Shelter to NJ 94

Today was all about trail magic. Coming out of Unionville and a quick resupply, we were greeted 2 miles out by a couple who lived on the trail (a road walk in that specific area) who had a big annual party/picnic yesterday. They take the next day each year to have hikers relax under their tents and help them eat and drink their leftovers from the previous day's party. It was a nice break on a very hot day. After leaving there, the rest of the hike was hot and sticky and the day ended at NJ 94 with Red Lobster's parents and a tent set up in the parking area with beers, sodas, waters and other drinks as well as a bunch of food for any hiker who happened to walk past. They also shuttled about a dozen hikers from the road crossing into Vernon, NJ to stay at the hostel run by the local church. So that is where I ended up tonight. After getting to the church and taking a nice hose shower, a bunch of us walked over to the adjacent VFW post (with a retired Marine) to enjoy the hospitality of their bar after a long day of walking. It was a nice end to the day and it is supposed to be another hot one tomorrow.

Let the sound take you away.

- Snowfox

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